Mission Statement
The Mission of the New York Council on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is to promote the healthy development of children, adolescents, and families through advocacy, education, and research, and to meet the professional needs of child and adolescent psychiatrists throughout their careers.

The New York Council on Child and Adolescent (NYCCAP) is one of three state organizations of child and adolescent psychiatry in New York. Its purpose is:
  • to represent the interests of child and adolescent psychiatrists in the New York city and the surrounding areas, including the legislative process, public policy making, and clinical service administration as it finds them relevant to the mental health of New York's child, adolescents, and families. 
  • to stimulate and advance contributions of the knowledge and treatment of psychiatric problems of children and adolescents, both within its membership and in the community at large within the New York city area.
The membership of NYCCAP consists of the child and adolescent psychiatrists who belong to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) as national members and locally to NYCCAP. 

NYCCAP is incorporated as a 501(c)(6) compliant organization and is incorporated by the State of New York.  NYCCAP also serves as the regional organization of child and adolescent psychiatry represented in the Assembly of Regional Organizations of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (the Assembly) of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Washington, DC.