Disaster Psychiatry Committee
Angel Caraballo, MD
ECP (Early Career Psychiatrists) Committee
Olga Leibu, MD
Jennifer O'Keeffe, MD
Amanda Wallace, MD
The Early Career Psychiatrist (ECP) committee's mission is to plan events and programs that support the professional development of early career child and adolescent psychiatrists in the state of New York. The committee also aims to create networking opportunities. Our recent goals include leveraging the benefits of technology and social media to help foster the latter in the light of the increase of psychiatry's role in the virtual and telemedicine realm. As such, we are creating a networking group that will allow ECPs to connect and build a professional and social community that can help with referrals, thinking through difficult clinical scenarios, addressing practice concerns, conversing about job opportunities, and serving as a space to process our work together to provide emotional support as well. Our continued past goals include hosting in person happy hours, networking events, and possible support group and CME activities. Finally, our paramount emphasis is ECP wellness and we will continue having an annual winter/spring wellness event to continue to practice and promote this message for the ECP community. ECPs are child and adolescent psychiatrists who are within 7 years of their training.
Membership Committee
M. Carolina Zerrate, MD
Shervin Shadianloo, MD, Editorial Board Member
Adriana Bruge Boude, MD (resident member)
Andy Kwok, MD (resident member)